
Recent events and developments, both national and international, have dashed the hopes of many people in an era that was supposed to be characterized by global peace. Continuing conflict, the spread of HIV/AIDS and Ebola, the rise in the numbers of underprivileged youth, adults and children; disability; and most recently, global insurgency, have added significantly to the problems that large numbers of people face. Added to this, the rise in global terrorism brought about adherence to radical ideological beliefs means that large numbers of youth have joined organizations and groups adhering to violence. The prospects for global peace therefore seem further away. It is for these reasons, and our passion for peace football, that Soccer for Peace Foundation (SPF) was formed, with our goal being to play our part in tackling some of the issues.

Soccer for Peace Foundation (SPF) is an international organisation  with a global network of leaders, youth assemblies, adults from different backgrounds and races who have dedicated themselves to practices that promote peace, soccer as a means of entertainment, peaceful co-existence, physical and spiritual uplift for the underprivileged youths, adults and children.

SPF Ambassadors are committed to practices that promote partnership, joint ventures, interactive and social development of youth, and are active in year round programs to provide volunteering opportunities, and engaging in community services. The SPF network works to achieve the UN Millennium Goals, MDGs using football/sport as a tool in driving its development programs, initiatives, and other projects.

SPF presents a new paradigm for global peace advocacy through soccer and sports by engaging with talented youth and adults.

SPF is a registered non-governmental organization (NGO), setup to promote conflict studies/resolutions, and in poverty reduction programs. Its programs seek to enhance the livelihood and resilience of people affected by conflict and civil strife. Our mandate is to promote interactive peaceful relations, united by a common front through soccer/sport in both Africa, and anywhere else where we can play a helping hand.

SPF is one of the leading organizations promoting peace through soccer/sport.Its various programs bring together individuals from all walks of life,together with youth leaders from across communities in conflict areas, to participate in peace programs. SPF believe in increasing the frequency and quality of interactions across communities, and facilitating discussions on peace advocacy necessary for peaceful co-existence and social development.

SPF theme of “Beyond Soccer Make Peace” is not just another slogan, but a core defining value, wherein people of all faiths, tribes and cultural background globally recognize a common goal to look “Beyond Soccer to Make Peace.”

Our Mission

To use the fundamental values of soccer/sports as a vehicle to drive, inspire, mobilize, change positively the mind set of youths, citizenry, and rural community dwellers towards a world of peace and co-existence.

Our Vision

To unite the youths, adults and individuals globally irrespective of race, colour, and religious affiliations, and towards peace advocacy and peaceful co-existence through entertainment, soccer and sports.

Our Goal

To engage a global network of peace loving individuals/leaders who will promote universal peace through soccer/football motivated by the vision of “Beyond Soccer, Make Peace campaign.

Our Strategy

To achieve our mission, we continuously improve our programs through our Objectives, Targets, and Responsibility concept. We share in best practice, and utilise the popularity of soccer to increase our impact.

 Our Aims and Objectives

  • To use soccer for grassroots mobilization of youths to create social change.
  • To use soccer to promote unity and peace amongst the citizenry, as entertainment, and improve the physical well-being of less privileged youth, and adults.
  • To use soccer to create positive lifestyles through participation in extra curriculum activities.
  • To use soccer as a tool to reduce crime, violence, drug addiction, and kidnapping.
  • To use soccer to instill universal values such as mutual understanding, self-respect, leadership, and discipline.
  • To recognise individuals as Soccer for Peace International Ambassadors (SFPAmb).
  • To organize seminars/workshops for young talented footballers.
  • To organize national and international soccer competitions, partner with national and global football agencies/clubs abroad, and promote the exchange of ideas and programs.
  • To use soccer as a campaigning tool against insurgency, political vices, chronic health problems, and all forms of social instability.